
BrainMinder is built with the GoLang language, HTMX Javascript library, SQLite database and W3CSS Library.

The installation is composed by a single executable file and a database file (SQLite).

At the moment it requires a webserver (Apache, Caddy, Ngnix) with SSL support for traffic encryption, but in the near future this will be optional because it will support also SSL encrypted connections.

BrainMinder has been designed to be easily installable also on low end servers and to be self-hosted.

Here is the list of the current features, but the software is in rapid evolution and many others will be added

  • Fully self-hosted and easy to deploy : one executable and one database file
  • PWA (Progressive Web Application) support for a great mobile experience
  • Fully customizable item types : every type can have its own specific fields
  • Categories and tags for every item
  • Global search on all the items (regardless of the type) based on keywords
  • Quickbox for rapid note taking with the ability to transform into an item
  • Every item can be related with others (generally linked together or in a parent-child relation)
  • Markdown support with visual editor (EasyMDE)

Under development

  • Sharing an item with an external user (temporary sharing with different privileges)
  • Multi user support with ACL (Access Control List)
  • Full database export in several formats (JSON, CVS, SQL)


  • Fulltext search
  • Item and Type copy (use as template)
  • Support for attachments and images linked to the items : every attachment or image can be linked to many items simultaneously
  • Export and import of types structures for sharing with others
  • Export and import of selected items for sharing with others
  • Organize items (also of different types) in collections : the collections can be exported or imported
  • Valuation systems : Eisenhower matrix, SWOT analysis, TBD
  • Kanban boards to organize activities